Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Reality Check"

This show was about a man with a bull for a pet who dies. The owner, feeling depressed and remorseful, clones the bull to make another one "just like the first." Charmingly, he is named second Chance after number one Chance. He believed the bull to be the exact same bull even though he attacked him twice. He refused to believe the truth because it hurt too much.

kids and money

In this video, we saw different kids with various backgrounds and their experiences with money and status. They are all trying to be accepted within society and groups for popularity. Even if they dont have money, they spend it on material items. People have become so shallow just to have a space in society and have people like them. Society has transformed their values and places so much emphasis on status and money.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Bikinis and Tiaras;Quinceaneras"

Wow, people have completly disregarded tradition and meaning and have manipulated it into fiesta, money, competition and money! Girls have been given everything for their family to prove their love. I think we have gone off the deepend here and have lost meaning in alot of things we do today.

"My Brown Eyes" -Alexander Amador

Alexandar was born in the "barrio" of the Eighth street locos 13 gang. H eloves his neighborhood and cares deeply for his Jefita. He writes about how wars within their own kind is wrong. They come to America for a better life and just end up going "Wrong." He writes about how they should unite and stand together as one community.

Red- Alison Smith "Curve"

Alison always had the opposite problems than everyone else. She was too skinny. She always felt akward and different. All the girls in her class complain about their curves, but alison wants them desperatley because she feels like it shows growth into a lady. She is stuck being treated like a kid and she wants to look her age, not younger.

Red-Amy Hunt "Sleeves"

Amy has always encountered problems concerning her weight. Her friends talk about being overweight, and compared to her, they are not. She feels like her friends judge her based on weight, and admits she never feels comfortable in her own skin. Weight is a large issue today with the media playing a key role in enforcing what is acceptable.

Red- Cindy Morand "The Border"

Cindy is a mexican immigrant. She came from a nice well educated family and was forced to move at a young age. She came to America where she founddescrimination and found herself steryotyped. She wanted to go back to Mexico because America was not what she thought. She had greater opportunities in America but liked her lifestyle back home.

Red -Amy Goldwasser

Thos article is about the how teen writers are so open and honest about their deep secrets. Teens are open, uncensored books unlike adults who cover their problems for the sake of reputation and pride.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The American Man, Age Ten

This article by Susan Orlean follows the life of an average ten year old boy. Susa observes how aware Colin is about world issues. She was surprised how most ten year olds enjoyed recycling. They want to be apart of doing something good for the world and beneficial. She noticed Colin's contentment with life. They appreciate the simplicity of life. Kids lose their innocence from their surroundings and start to want more and more.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Growing Up on Facebook

Peggy Orenstein writes about how Facebook is great for rekindling relationships. People over 25 are increasingly coming to Facebook to find old friends and look back on their past. People can become more self-aware by reminicing. When teens move away for college, it is hard to adapt to their new environment. Facebook helps to stay connected to the familiar and not feel alone.