Monday, May 4, 2009

Social Networking

Hayley Hill is skating -12:00 pm
My experiences with social networking are very slim. I chose not to have a Myspace or Facebook because I believe them to be a huge waste of time. I would must rather be active or doing something productive with my time. I spend my day at school talking with my friends and hang out with them on the weekends and after school occasionally, so what would I need to talk to them about online? I feel kids just go on there because they are bored and use it as an excuse to not do the things that take energy or thinking. I think it contributes to the laziness of youth and loss of accountability. I think that the internet is a great place for work. It is great for musicians so their music can be reached and heard by a much bigger audience. I don’t think teens have a purpose for chatting online. Not only is everything accessible, but things written or pictures posted can come back years from now to haunt you. I think creativity is wasted to the computer and also inactivity contributes to health problems. I would much rather learn a musical instrument or dance. The only positive aspect of online social networking is rekindling with old friends. I think it’s great to see people you have not seen in years, but from there, I think they