Monday, May 4, 2009

Ritual -Christmas Eve

Every Christmas Eve my family goes back to First Press Pberterian School for church service. My brothers and I all went to pre-school there so we love to go back and see familiar faces. We always get dressed up and drive together to service that we love. It always starts the same; we open with a welcome and then sing traditional Christmas songs. Then we hear a message and we always light candles and they turn off the lights and the candle light lights up the whole room while we sing “Silent Night.” I remember this because my brothers never blow out their candles when they are supposed to and ours are always they last to go out. When I was little, they would call all of the little kids up to the pulpit and I would get so scared and cry and hide behind my mom. I love our tradition of going to church because I don’t get to see my brothers as much as I would like because they travel a lot and I know they will always be there on December 24. Going to church reminds me of being a kid again and how I used to play hangman during the service with my brother Garrett, sometimes we still play it just for old time sake during the service. After service we go around the neighborhood and look at all the Christmas lights and go have donuts.

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