Friday, February 27, 2009

Mixed CD Poem

Happiness is what we, as humans, all try to attain
By looking on the bright side of the road, positivity is what you will gain
We must embrace life’s sweet simplicity
To stop from becoming overwhelmed with all its distracting complexities
Promises to fulfill wide-eyed goals and dreams
Transform and die out as the baby girl realizes realities cruel means.
When all the wannabes abandon the cage and face the world alone
They become something to talk about, ending all grown
When she reaches the point of old age, not wanting to face the inevitable end
Reminiscing on that boy and how they were just friends
Now she is saying, “I m all by myself”
But “If all else fails at least I’ve still got my health”
That clenched longing to regress resides within
So much for what Jackie Wilson said
Her love still remains ever so true
She speaks the words for the first time, “I love you I do”
In my place I sit, watching the story of Jack and Diane
Wondering why she would abandon loves plan.
Now she is stuck in the past, waiting, wanting one last chance
To be young again, live in innocent romance.

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