Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Figher or Lover?" - My Story

There are many things that “fire” up our lives, positive and negative. I am a very strong person when it comes to what I believe and stand for. I am not one to be swayed by other people. I have always had strong opinions on social, political and moral issues. Starting in high school, kids stereotype and place one another in categories, disregarding their individuality. This careless act continues into adulthood and can instinctively stay with us. People categorize others as either a fighter or a lover. My personality has pieces of both. I am very shy and reserved, I would much rather listen than talk. I am passive when it comes to arguing for the sake of arguing, but when there is an issue to fight for, I argue my point of view so people don’t take advantage of my personality. Being the youngest girl in my family, I have gained a toughness that we all need to survive in a competitive world. Luckily, music and creativity have influenced my life in a big way. This helps me express myself in other ways than talking. For me, guitar and music give me an ability to show my opinions and thoughts in other means, which can evoke emotion, and a higher inexpressible feeling. In todays world I think that opinion, creativity and point of view are crucial for success, happiness and sanity. I hate that everyone listens to what is “cool” and popular. IPODS are distractions; no one listens to lyrics, people just listen to beats and don’t think any deeper than the surface. I prefer creating music and listening to artists that don’t crave attention and make music because they love it, not money and notoriety.

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