Monday, May 4, 2009

Social Networking

Hayley Hill is skating -12:00 pm
My experiences with social networking are very slim. I chose not to have a Myspace or Facebook because I believe them to be a huge waste of time. I would must rather be active or doing something productive with my time. I spend my day at school talking with my friends and hang out with them on the weekends and after school occasionally, so what would I need to talk to them about online? I feel kids just go on there because they are bored and use it as an excuse to not do the things that take energy or thinking. I think it contributes to the laziness of youth and loss of accountability. I think that the internet is a great place for work. It is great for musicians so their music can be reached and heard by a much bigger audience. I don’t think teens have a purpose for chatting online. Not only is everything accessible, but things written or pictures posted can come back years from now to haunt you. I think creativity is wasted to the computer and also inactivity contributes to health problems. I would much rather learn a musical instrument or dance. The only positive aspect of online social networking is rekindling with old friends. I think it’s great to see people you have not seen in years, but from there, I think they

Ritual -Christmas Eve

Every Christmas Eve my family goes back to First Press Pberterian School for church service. My brothers and I all went to pre-school there so we love to go back and see familiar faces. We always get dressed up and drive together to service that we love. It always starts the same; we open with a welcome and then sing traditional Christmas songs. Then we hear a message and we always light candles and they turn off the lights and the candle light lights up the whole room while we sing “Silent Night.” I remember this because my brothers never blow out their candles when they are supposed to and ours are always they last to go out. When I was little, they would call all of the little kids up to the pulpit and I would get so scared and cry and hide behind my mom. I love our tradition of going to church because I don’t get to see my brothers as much as I would like because they travel a lot and I know they will always be there on December 24. Going to church reminds me of being a kid again and how I used to play hangman during the service with my brother Garrett, sometimes we still play it just for old time sake during the service. After service we go around the neighborhood and look at all the Christmas lights and go have donuts.

Versus: Loss of integrity

In my view, the world has changed immensely in the past few decades. Inventors were discovering new ideas that blew us away. Writers and poets inspired people to read and learn and channel creativity. Now I can’t go anywhere without seeing headlines or hearing about the latest celebrity in rehab or divorced, and yet we glorify these people. Most celebrities don’t even go to college and yet people praise them for their status. I think that we need to glorify scholars and people making a real difference in the world. The norms that I grew up with are admiring people who have put hard work into something and have set goals and reached them. A lot of teen aged girls that surround me idolize talentless drug addicted girls who have done nothing for the good of society. Most of the popular singers now lip sync, drown out song with synthesizers, don’t play instruments or write any of their songs. My music taste is different from most seventeen girls. I admire people like Ryan Adams, Mason Jennings, Shocking Blue and older less recognized bands. I think singing for the sake of music and joy is more fulfilling than for the fame and notoriety. I read an article on Ryan Adams once and he said he was angry when his songs got too popular, which is intriguing. He said he does not want people to listen to his songs over and over or only know him for one song he wrote. I admire this perspective because it stays true to who he is and differs from the majority of mindless, meaningless music followers.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Reality Check"

This show was about a man with a bull for a pet who dies. The owner, feeling depressed and remorseful, clones the bull to make another one "just like the first." Charmingly, he is named second Chance after number one Chance. He believed the bull to be the exact same bull even though he attacked him twice. He refused to believe the truth because it hurt too much.

kids and money

In this video, we saw different kids with various backgrounds and their experiences with money and status. They are all trying to be accepted within society and groups for popularity. Even if they dont have money, they spend it on material items. People have become so shallow just to have a space in society and have people like them. Society has transformed their values and places so much emphasis on status and money.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Bikinis and Tiaras;Quinceaneras"

Wow, people have completly disregarded tradition and meaning and have manipulated it into fiesta, money, competition and money! Girls have been given everything for their family to prove their love. I think we have gone off the deepend here and have lost meaning in alot of things we do today.

"My Brown Eyes" -Alexander Amador

Alexandar was born in the "barrio" of the Eighth street locos 13 gang. H eloves his neighborhood and cares deeply for his Jefita. He writes about how wars within their own kind is wrong. They come to America for a better life and just end up going "Wrong." He writes about how they should unite and stand together as one community.

Red- Alison Smith "Curve"

Alison always had the opposite problems than everyone else. She was too skinny. She always felt akward and different. All the girls in her class complain about their curves, but alison wants them desperatley because she feels like it shows growth into a lady. She is stuck being treated like a kid and she wants to look her age, not younger.

Red-Amy Hunt "Sleeves"

Amy has always encountered problems concerning her weight. Her friends talk about being overweight, and compared to her, they are not. She feels like her friends judge her based on weight, and admits she never feels comfortable in her own skin. Weight is a large issue today with the media playing a key role in enforcing what is acceptable.

Red- Cindy Morand "The Border"

Cindy is a mexican immigrant. She came from a nice well educated family and was forced to move at a young age. She came to America where she founddescrimination and found herself steryotyped. She wanted to go back to Mexico because America was not what she thought. She had greater opportunities in America but liked her lifestyle back home.

Red -Amy Goldwasser

Thos article is about the how teen writers are so open and honest about their deep secrets. Teens are open, uncensored books unlike adults who cover their problems for the sake of reputation and pride.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The American Man, Age Ten

This article by Susan Orlean follows the life of an average ten year old boy. Susa observes how aware Colin is about world issues. She was surprised how most ten year olds enjoyed recycling. They want to be apart of doing something good for the world and beneficial. She noticed Colin's contentment with life. They appreciate the simplicity of life. Kids lose their innocence from their surroundings and start to want more and more.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Growing Up on Facebook

Peggy Orenstein writes about how Facebook is great for rekindling relationships. People over 25 are increasingly coming to Facebook to find old friends and look back on their past. People can become more self-aware by reminicing. When teens move away for college, it is hard to adapt to their new environment. Facebook helps to stay connected to the familiar and not feel alone.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

"Being There: The subtle art of facebook updates"

Facebook is aparently a place for "intellectuals" as opposed to Myspace where kids go to show off and waste time. Teens contributed to protecting the reputation Facebook has in comparison to other communication sites. Teens say they can have better conversations and grow more.

"Social Networking benefits validated" by Karen Goldberg

In this article, the author addresses the role parents play in their child's computer limits. Karen writes about how paents should advise and have access to myspace and facebook. Parents should monitor ther teen's whereabouts for safety issues. Teens can act irrationally and need someone there to advise what they put on the internet

Why Youth love social networking sites

noone writes letters anymore and talking on the phone is becoming less and less popular. Teens have reverted to electronic devises and computers for communication, cutting out all physical and personal interaction. The computer allows teens to chat and post pictures and comment to one another. Myspace and facebook are the most used sites.

Friday, March 27, 2009

"Facebook in a Crowd"

A guy had a facebook account and felt pretty good when he began accumulating friend after friend. He became Mr. popularity on the website and decided to throw a party. he invited his 700 "friends" and about 200 told him they would come. Surprise surprise only one girl showed up. One out of 700 are true friends. the definition of friend is different online. I thought a friend is someone who is there for you. You will not find friends online!

"Staring down Facebook"

Computers and technology have kept us from playing basketball, yoga and guitar. We are so wrapped up in looking aimlessly into a blinding screen for hours on end learning about what our friends did over the weekend! All of this advanced technology has takien us away from the more enjoyable simpler times, that I personally prefer.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Contest: What is important to Me

As children, we are wide-eyed boundless dreamers. Time passes and reality sets in. At some point in life we measure, weigh and discard our dreams in the face of reality. Why in a world of opportunity and freedom are so many unhappy? Naively, we see the finish line first, disregarding hard work in between. We are producing a defeated generation, unable to persevere when the times get tough. Technology has given us instant gratification, granting what we want when we want. We are depriving ourselves of physical activity and intellectual stimulation. Society is learning to cut corners. Integrity and dedication are important to me. How can we have hope for the future if the world is run by careless individuals? People seek fame and money in a job--not the hard work inherent for success. The easy way is downhill-- true accomplishment comes from an uphill struggle.

My experience with the current economic crisis

Global warming Global warming! we take advantage of everything in America because we are spoiled. We need to see how others live and think twice about what we take for granted and how much we are wasting. Litering is annoying, we all have to live in it so respect the environment as well as the well being of others. Dont use so much water-you dont need an hour shower. preserve what we have so there wil be a future.

My Personal Narrative: Soaking up the Fun

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"teens learn from credit mistakes of others"

This article is about how we can learn so much more just from observing others. If we act impulsively, we face the consequences. When someone observes, they see and lern from the other person's mistake. However, you learn from doing not watching. I think experiences are the best lessons. In small instances listening and observing is a good way.

My personal Narrative Soaking up the Fun

Life sometimes calls for taking off and enjoying the day
For throwing cares to the wind
for the thrill of the ride
Washing away troubles
for soaking up the fun
Turning grey
Life is about the journey, not the destination

My Persoanl Narrative Still Sequence

"Teen Learns from credit mistakes of others"

A teenager explains in this article the positive sides to learning from mistakes of others. When we act irrashionally, we face consequences. If we watch and observe other peoples mistakes, than we can use that for future reference. As explained in the article, people are better off listening than acting impulsively.

Eco Park Avenue

The narrator is taking a wlak in Los Angeles. He is observing his surrounding places, people, objects, animals and life. He uses metaphors, similes, personification to help paint a picture for the reader. The visualization is shown when he describes the farm in the middle of the city where animals live. This is symbolic to humans surrounded in a chaotic world full of distractions.

The Depth of Depp Summary

Narrator Grace Habegger, explains her deep appreciation for the "brilliant" acting skills of Johnny Depp. His sincerity and quiet appeal capture the attention of audiences around the world. Not only are his acting theories interesting, but his demeanor and unaffected personality draws Grace to admire him more. He appreciates the history and easygoing lifestyles of Europeans and strays from Hollywood exposure. Johnny's unique personality and abilities to transform and envelope a character make him an amazing performer.

Just Watch Summary

Saskia Boggs adresses the fact that TV has become a huge distraction in everyones lives. When she was 5 TV was a gift, a privilage. When she was older about 10, it became a rebelious act. Then at 15 it was the source of movie watching. Then it becomes a distrction from homework, life, chores, family- reality. Then it becomes an act of boredom. TV takes away from communication, quality family time and life. Saskia makes tons of arguments and inquiries, but does not make an effort to change it.

"My Way" This American Life

In this episode, we are introduced to a very stubborn boy. He is very indifferent to authority and his peers. He is completely against the idea of falling in love and insists that he never will submit to the idea. We see the different ways people are affected by their environment. The boy neglects people and isolates himself from the world around him so he does not conform to normalcy.

Monday, March 23, 2009

"Running" Entering New Territory; Dreams for a New Los Angeles

Juan Rodriquez is a runner, who describes his environment as he goes on a run through the city. He uses very descriptive language to appeal to the readers senses. He contrasts a lot of hard images with soft images. Juan describes a patch of grass with a few budding flowers surrounded by concrete. His neighborhood follows the same comparisons and shows that beauty is found in unexpected places.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My so Called Life Summary

In this episode, Claire Danes's character is a confused teenaged girl in High School. She deals with finding herself and coping with her family. She dyes her hair out of rebellion, party's and hangs out with people who are not her true friends. Alot of girls in High Shcool party because they are not individuals, they will follow anything they hear is "cool" and need an identity. Angela falls into this category and her voice over in the film capture the intense drama and seriousness of her struggles.

Bruce Springstein: "Born to Run"

In this behind the scenes short documentary, we see Bruce Springstein's creative thought process and his journey in writing, recording and editing his hit song, "Born to Run." Bruce explains how he writes songs and shows what it takes to complete a song and make it really come to life. There is much more to song writing than everyone expects. There has to be a natural flow of ideas and emotions, Bruce explains that you can't have a specific set of ideas and exact things you want to say before composing. Music brings us all together and the voice over Bruce did on the film helped capture th eseriousness and helped th eaudience all relate to his passion.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The O.C. episode: Road Warrior

In this episode, Summer and Marissa are getting ready to go swimming. Summer cannot decide between what bathing suit to wear and is listening to a voice over of herself. Summer explains to marrissa that it adds drama and meaning to life. She said narration makes life more poignant. The viewer does not to guess, they are told.

High School Confidential; episode 1

We watched two girls go through their high school experience and saw how their environment changed them. I learned how to cause a greater interest in the viewer and create depth in a scene. In order to depict a dramatic scene, you can put the picture in slow motion and narrate over in a serious voice. This technique is shown throughout the episode and demonstrates involvement of the viewer to the characters. Personal narration adds a connection and relation to the picture and depth.

"God's Close Up" This American Life

In this episode, an artist gathers models to portray Jesus and other biblical figures. The contradiction is that the models are the most unlikely people to play holy figures. Most of them are opposed to faith. This instills a false sense of reality. When people look at religious paintings, they hold them to a high esteem and in reality, those people are sinners, not Jesus. Is this immoral or just a way we can hold on to something intangible?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Truthiness Taught me about being (un) cool Summary

Sarah Schelde, age 14, describes her obsession as a tween with Stephen Colbert. As all her friends watched MTV and idolized the "popular" boy bands, she chose to watch the intellectual programs that taught her alot about polotics, society, but most importantly herself. She would get upset when her friends teased her, but when she looks back she does not apologize for her interests. Sarah realized that inorder to be truthful, you always need to stay true to yourself and remain unique and creative by bucking trends.

Appeal from an Angry Not so Emo Summary

This article is about the scrutiny we face in High School. Kids are lebeled and subjected to abuse from peers. Kids are looked at as a category not as an individual. Kids will not go out of their "circle" and dont take the opportunity to meet new people. "The only thing necessary for th etriumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." School authority do not do much to stop the abuse kids face day to day and the narrator explians how this can lead to drastic measures and consequences in the future.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Mixed CD Story

As I lay covered in my warm quilt, Van Morrison and my father’s voice meld together and vibrate off the walls. I hear my brother’s voices yelling, “STOP” as I pull my pillow over my face. The early morning sun seeps into my room and brightens the walls. Luckily, these are not my only memories of Van Morrison’s music. Many warm summer nights brought my family together at my old house for barbeques. We would eat, drink and talk while I snuck scraps to my dogs under the table, my neighbor would walk over and we would all play cards. When I was younger, I never spent time on the computer or electronics. Growing up with two brothers, I was always active. We would ride bikes, build forts, paint and hurl rocks out of slingshots at the neighbor’s rose bushes. Being the youngest allowed me to never worry. I always had someone there for me. Now that I am older, and have more responsibility, I miss the carefree times of being a child. Everyone must grow up at some point, but Van Morrison reminds me of the “good old days” of togetherness. My brothers were always skateboarding. When they had to babysit me, I tagged along with them to the many schools they snuck into to skate. One of the earliest songs I liked was “Jack and Diane” because it was the theme songs in one of their skate videos. My brothers are pro skaters now and we all think of the same memories when we hear that song. As I grew older, my brothers moved out and I turned to music for something to do. I watched festivals that would play in the summer and it made me happy. I started learning instruments and fell in love with playing.

Mixed CD Poem

Happiness is what we, as humans, all try to attain
By looking on the bright side of the road, positivity is what you will gain
We must embrace life’s sweet simplicity
To stop from becoming overwhelmed with all its distracting complexities
Promises to fulfill wide-eyed goals and dreams
Transform and die out as the baby girl realizes realities cruel means.
When all the wannabes abandon the cage and face the world alone
They become something to talk about, ending all grown
When she reaches the point of old age, not wanting to face the inevitable end
Reminiscing on that boy and how they were just friends
Now she is saying, “I m all by myself”
But “If all else fails at least I’ve still got my health”
That clenched longing to regress resides within
So much for what Jackie Wilson said
Her love still remains ever so true
She speaks the words for the first time, “I love you I do”
In my place I sit, watching the story of Jack and Diane
Wondering why she would abandon loves plan.
Now she is stuck in the past, waiting, wanting one last chance
To be young again, live in innocent romance.

I am From Poem

I am from home made quilts, hand stitched with love.
I am from freedom on the soccer field, as the wind blew through my hair
I am from bike rides on the beach, just because
I am from skateboarding with the boys without a care
I am from swinging on swings in the park
I am from painting and exploring colors with a brush
I am from roller coasters in the dark
I am from getting to school in a rush
I am from concerts in the summer time
I am from traveling across the nation
I am from wanting my life to rewind
I am from designing and inspiration
I am from singers and dancers
I am from joy, respect and appreciation
I am from questions and answers
I am from loving life and my family
I am from anticipating what the future holds
I am from wanting a career with promise and longevity
I am from warm California winters and still catching a cold
I am from waves on the beach and sand castles
I am from night drives around the neighborhood
I am from no drama and unnecessary hassles
I am from “I will” not “I could”

Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Figher or Lover?" - My Story

There are many things that “fire” up our lives, positive and negative. I am a very strong person when it comes to what I believe and stand for. I am not one to be swayed by other people. I have always had strong opinions on social, political and moral issues. Starting in high school, kids stereotype and place one another in categories, disregarding their individuality. This careless act continues into adulthood and can instinctively stay with us. People categorize others as either a fighter or a lover. My personality has pieces of both. I am very shy and reserved, I would much rather listen than talk. I am passive when it comes to arguing for the sake of arguing, but when there is an issue to fight for, I argue my point of view so people don’t take advantage of my personality. Being the youngest girl in my family, I have gained a toughness that we all need to survive in a competitive world. Luckily, music and creativity have influenced my life in a big way. This helps me express myself in other ways than talking. For me, guitar and music give me an ability to show my opinions and thoughts in other means, which can evoke emotion, and a higher inexpressible feeling. In todays world I think that opinion, creativity and point of view are crucial for success, happiness and sanity. I hate that everyone listens to what is “cool” and popular. IPODS are distractions; no one listens to lyrics, people just listen to beats and don’t think any deeper than the surface. I prefer creating music and listening to artists that don’t crave attention and make music because they love it, not money and notoriety.

My L.A.

Once in a while I love to drive into the city on a nice warm sunny weekend and hike up to the Griffith Observatory. The hike is a great refreshing trail up to the observatory, beginning with a walk through a lush cove of cool greenery. As I hike up the hill, I pass all kinds of Californians. There are those hard core runners and athletes getting their work out in. They have the fanny packs and supplies to keep them hydrated and fit. Then there are those who are enjoying their weekend, this is where I fit in. I love to people watch and appreciate my surroundings. I always feel great after a long hike and I get to see and overlook the valley. I see the valley as a whole, all the buildings, homes and shopping centers enveloped in greenery. The best part of walking to the observatory is that you can go inside and learn about all the things there. As you are descending down I notice all the little things like flowers and plants that I overlooked on the way up. The best part of LA is that everyone is so different and comes from a different place. When I hike I get to see and be around people from my city. We all exist together but have different stories

my impression now Summary

A man driven by music to "shoplift, stage-dive and cry," explains his love and facination for the technological advancements of playing musi. He says that any "self-respecting music fan in 2007 should own an ipod, or portible music player. This is the result of a cultural shift in our world today. Music has become even more influential due to the easy access and convienience. His favorite type of music is indie rock, and he explains what and how the term "indie" has come about and changed. His interest in playcounts is discussed and he shows how we can monitor so much of what we never thought was possible.

My Album Playlist

My Album Cover

"play" RED-next generation of American writers Summary

The female narrator reminises on her favorite songs in the 80's and how they influenced her. She writes that there are two types of people when it comes to music; thoses who share the songs they hear and those who keep it away from everyone else. This shows that people can hide within music and socialize through it. Coming from a creative family, she was inspired to learn instruments and form a band so she could share her talents. Her love of music is evident and she emphasizes the different ways people can use it.

"My Ride My Revolution" Summary

The narrator reminises about where he comes from. His background and surroundings make up his character. The details of culture add to who he is and why he appreciates minorities. The descriptive language of graffitti and gramatical spelling errors capture the essence of where he is from. What he emulates from his neighbors is depicted through the use of imagery.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Roller Boogie Summary

Music is a universal language that all humans connect to. Differentiating only in style, music shapes who we are, how we cope with certain stiuations and how we act. The narrator in Roller Boogie reminises on how certain songs bring back a feeling long ago. In life, time passes by but a song hold memories and emotion. The narrator explains how if it were not for music, his social life would suffer. Music connected him to people in a way he would never have without it.

we stood in line at ellis island for this?

As we look back at our youth, we recall details that shape our character. The simplest events, objects and people stand out in memory for reasons sometimes unexplainable. To narrator Paul Feig's stroke god fortune, a popular, innocent commercial saved him the humiliation of a crude nickname. He remembers the commercial vividly and humbly. It is events such as these which can effect the way we react to certain situations.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Life, Myth and Stories

All humans are storytellers. Through the stories of our lives, we find identity and truth. There are many types of stories such as fiction, non fiction, biography, myths, ect. Myths are part imaginatory but reflect on remembered past, percieved present and anticipated future. Myths represent the conscious and unconsciousness of our minds. All stories have a beginning, middle and end, where a structure of character, setting, initiating event, attemt, consequence and reaction occur in between. Stories are how we as human relate, differ, and intersect.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Quote that sparked my MEMORY

"Question Authority"
Response: Question authority for the details remembered become reality. The recollections of flawed human memory are engraved in textbooks as "facts."

Memory and Imagination Summary

When stories are retold, events, subjects and objects change as we recall them differently each time. As writers and dramatists, we exaggerate to spark interest or create a deeper effect on the reader or audience. Writing is the art of simplifying complexity. The job of the writer is to make a story flow with ease and movement for the reader to stay connected and interested. The first draft of a work is similar to a first encounter among humans. As a draft is rewritten, details emerge and the memory revives. The truth is found in details. The meaning to the story is not "attatched" but revealed as the pieces to the puzzle find their way back.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Artist Statement

As an avid reader of the Harry Potter series, Hayley was thrilled to be apart of the 2009 remake of the Feature Film. The cast brought a new outlook with a quirky edge to each scene. The group encorporated the memorable scenes that make Harry Potter films so distinct. With the young casts take on Quidditch, muggles, magic and wisardry, this film will leave you on the edge of your seat wanting more.

Feature Film Remake of Harry Potter

Behind the Scenes with the Cast, plus Bloopers!

Feature Film Sequence

Behind the Scenes Sequence